SIGIA-L Mail Archives – February 2003 Worthwhile thread named: “Study: Content Management Tools Fail” with varrying viewpoints on how CMS has evolved, failed to deliver on it’s promise and why.
SIGIA-L Mail Archives – February 2003 Worthwhile thread named: “Study: Content Management Tools Fail” with varrying viewpoints on how CMS has evolved, failed to deliver on it’s promise and why.
A Blog network analysis attempt Unfortunately, they’re using Standard Meta Tags and Dublin Core association instead of RDF semantics, but maybe thet will change. A noble effort none the less! Blizg – The Blog Resource
Here we combine a module holding the banner with another which hold our global navigation. This gives us a couple things: 1) the ability to use them together so your templates look clean and neat, and 2) by keeping the components separated, the ability to use them separately, say if you just want the banner
Ultimately the idea is to minimalize the boring, repetitive work so you can get away from your desk sooner, get home to your family and have more sex.
I’m going to show you how to pull out hte repeated bits and use MTs “Template Modules” to create “one stop shopping” to edit your look and feel.
Crystal Blue Persuasion The IA list has been all a-buzz with views and links surrounding “Persuasive Architecture/Navigation/Writing”, which I thought I’d summarize here. The concept is pretty easy. It’s been used by advertisers, non profits, P.R. firms and any others who care enough about getting their message out to make their text, layout and design
Browser Dis-function database Sitesleuth Home Page
Mouse Gesture plug-in and extensible APIStrokeIt – Mouse Gestures for Windows Nifty
Pretty patterns revisited While reading a post by James Hobart of Classic System Solutions titled Implementing Visual Design Patterns or “VDPs”, my interest in design patterns was rekindled, so I began poking around and reading once again. Hobarts article had the benefit of giving history, current usage and a brief example of implementation which put
Web Economy Bull!@#$ Generator Another old favorite: > web > web economy bull!@#$ generator Web Economy Bullshit Generator